Microsoft 365 Excel Advanced class
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Introduction Excel 365 advanced
Overview of entire course Excel 365 advanced
Chapter 1: Introduction to Macros
Understanding and creating macros part 1
Understanding and creating macros part 2
Running and editing a macro
Chapter 2 Pivot Tables
Creating Pivot Tables
Changing and Manipulating Pivot Table Data
Grouping by date and time
Grouping by other factors
Using slicers to clarify and manipulate fields
Using Pivot Charts
Chapter 3 Working with lists
Query Data with Database functions
Outline and Subtotal data Part 1
Outline and Subtotal data Part 2
Outline and Subtotal data Part 3
Chapter 4 Data Analysis tools
Using goal seek
Using solver
Using scenario manager
Using data tables
Chapter 5: Data management
Sorting data
Using filters
Splitting data into multiple columns
Using flash fill
Removing duplicate records
Using validation tools
Chapter 6 Exchanging Excel data with other programs
Embedding objects from Excel
Linking objects from Excel
Importing objects into Excel
Working with Raw data